The Little Pink Planet Has Reviews and Recommendations in Home Decor, Beauty, Fashion and Baby! Welcome to our Universe!

The Little Pink Planet Has Reviews and Recommendations in Home Decor, Beauty, Fashion and Baby! Welcome to our Universe!

When I started with my wife, we felt like we needed to share something honest with the internet community and serve a virtuous purpose.  We decided to embark on a mission to create a website that would give honest reviews on products in home decor, beauty, fashion and baby on and only spotlight the ones we recommend. 

Having worked in the fashion district for some time at a women's clothing manufacturer in the jobber district in Los Angeles,CA, I quickly became fascinated by all the styles, color theme combinations that could be used, and fashion in general, and how great the response from the loyal customers were.  But then again, you have those "miss" styles that just seem to create bad feedback and noise for the brand.  This bad response to certain styles led to wasted time for the customer, returning and exchanging the product purchased, creating an unhappy experience in the retail process.

We want to help avoid these pitfalls for the customers by providing honest feedback by showcasing products that pass our critiques with flying colors and save time for the consumer.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and welcome, to the Little Pink Planet!

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